A unique leadership & entrepreneurial opportunity…

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The Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School and its many partners are issuing a call for proposals for a new initiative: Building Capacity to Combat COVID-19 in Africa: Ideas and Innovations from Young Entrepreneurs.


The initiative is open to students and young professionals (ages 18 to 35 years old) from around the world, beginning immediately.


The objective is to encourage ideas and innovations from young people, within diverse teams, supported by senior decision-makers and experts in international development, academia, and the private sector. Participants are asked to develop ideas/responses to COVID-19 related to:

  • public and private sector policies and partnerships,

  • opportunities for creative entrepreneurship,

  • the role of new technologies, including AI, blockchain, and big data,

  • the challenges of good governance and effective compliance, or

  • innovations in shaping the local ecosystem - strengthening and creating markets and community-based initiatives.

What we will provide


Utilize different modaities to support capacity development and access to knowledge


Connect teams with those who work in the field and have years of business, policymaking, and development experience.


Feature your work at the Zicklin Center at Wharton, thus providing additional opportunities to attract strategic partners and investors.

What you can propose


Offer business innovations to build and support government and other stakeholder responses to the COVID-19.


Expand the activities of new and existing startups to address COVID-19 challenges in Africa.


Explore how best practices in African countries may be shared and emulated in the South and North.


Use technology, AI, blockchain, and big data in the search for innovative responses to the COVID-19.


Incorporate community-based projects such as those seen in U.S. metropolitan cities.

Register your team & Submit your idea here

This is a unique leadership and entrepreneurship moment - an opportunity for students and entrepreneurs to demonstrate leadership not only through proposing specific, innovative projects but by actively being involved in managing the initiative locally.

The proposals will be reviewed and offered feedback on a rolling first come, first served basis, starting June 1 2020. 

If you need our support in identifying new team members and finalizing your ideas, please contact us and send the summary of your idea (petkoski@wharton.upenn.edu) by June 20, 2020.

For further details, please see the requirements, guidelines, and attributes.  

You may submit your proposal in English or French.
We can't wait to see the amazing ideas you'll come up with!

Virtual Summer Work/Internship Opportunities: Join and Support Startups Working to Combat COVID-19 in Africa

Opportunities emerge amidst crises.

If you want to contribute to the global conversation on COVID-19 and its lingering impact, this is your chance.

Put your skills and/or interests to good use and join a startup that works for a cause you're passionate about.

Fill out this form to be matched with a startup that is working to combat COVID-19 in Africa at all scales.

Make an impact this summer by working on the world's entrepreneurial front-lines.


In the News

Organizing team of the Africa COVID challenge on a virtual call_MAIN.jpg

Wharton School students, along with the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, are issuing a call for proposals for a new initiative designed to aid in the fight against the coronavirus.


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