Featuring Some of the Initiative’s Partners: Interviews and Insights

Supporting young leaders to combat COVID-19 in MENA

Interview with Maha El Moaz, volunteer to the initiative “Building Capacity to Combat COVID-19 in Africa: Ideas and Innovations from Young Entrepreneurs” of the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School with a focus on MENA countries.


Stimulating COVID-19 Solutions for Lusophone Africa

Melissa Marketos, a senior at the University of Pennsylvania and Mozambican citizen, has been instrumental in working with the country’s businesspeople through the Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center’s Wharton Africa COVID-19 Solutions Initiative, which is providing a platform for Mozambican entrepreneurs to iterate on their ideas and reach potential investors.



Latin America and Africa share many of the needs related to the Sustainable Development Goals. With COVID-19 this challenge has increased. This partnership provides a platform for students, young professionals, academics, and experts in Latin American countries to share their expertise and experience with each other. But it also promotes Knowledge Exchange activities with colleagues in Africa and globally.

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The Coronavirus Visualization Team’s mission is to involve students in research projects, amplify the expertise and work of experts and frontline heroes through partnerships, and publish what others are missing to better inform the public on what has been and what will be most impacted.